Monday, September 24, 2007

3:10 to Yuma (1957)

Movie overview from IMDb:
After outlaw leader Ben Wade is captured in a small town, his gang continue to threaten. Small-time rancher Dan Evans is persuaded to take Wade in secret to the nearest town with a railway station to await the train to the court at Yuma. Once the two are holed up in the hotel to wait it becomes apparent the secret is out, and a battle of wills starts. Written by Jeremy Perkins {}

Harlod's Review: I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Slow and engaging, full of action, it kept my attention.

I really enjoyed this movie. Glenn Ford can do no wrong, the supporting characters were great. Even the town drunk was cool!

As with all westerns from the 1950's this was in black and white. The kids were curious and the wife was ever-loving. Innocent as far as today's movies go, this was a little edgier than normal. You could sense the desperation in Dan Evan's to provide for his family. The need to stay and work for his keep.

A very moral and trusting person who would not do anything wrong to look bad in front of his family. I found it interesting that he almost breaks down by the end of the movie and it is actaully Ben Wade that helps him keep to his morals.

Of course the Ben Wade character was likable, cool, sure, and dangerous. He could charm you one minute and then kill you the next. His attraction to Dan was interesting. Was he playing with him, seeing if he could break him? Did he really like him? The banter was very interesting and missing in most of today's films.

I loved the quote from the movie. "My own grandmother fought the indians for 60 years and then choked to death on lemon pie"!

I loved the look of this film. Little things here and there made it visually interesting. The story was great, the characters interesting, an exciting ending - what more would you want!

Heck, I might even watch it again!

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