Monday, May 4, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

IMDB Movie Summary
Wolverine lives a mutant life, seeks revenge against Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) for the death of his girlfriend, and ultimately ends up going through the mutant Weapon X program.

Harlods's Review
I actually liked this movie a lot! I did not know what to expect after X3 but I was pleasantly surprised.

I am a big fan of Liev Schreiber and I thought this was a great roll for him. The rest of the cast was equally great. I also liked was how it tied into the first X-Men movie. I was going Ahhh and Hmmm the whole movie.

It seemed to me that it was more character driven as well and not just special effects. The opening shots of Logan and Victor living and fighting in many wars during many years was interesting. Introducing Gambit was a treat as well. I could have used more of Will-i-am! What a cool role for him!

The forest scenes were exceptionally shot. It really tied into the fact that these guys have major animal instincts and feel more comfortable living a hard life. Seeing Logan trying to live a quiet life was like Rambo trying to stay out of the way - it just could not last for long!

I only grimaced a couple of times during the whole movie when the action got corny but all-in-all I liked this movie and I will defiantly buy it.

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